NIST SRM 1950: beyond the Certificate of Analysis

NIST SRM 1950: beyond the Certificate of Analysis

mQACC call to provide qualitative and quantitative data

Help mQACC move towards consensus for SRM 1950 in metabolomics!

SRM 1950 mQACC Survey

Certified reference material (CRM) values provide a known and standardized reference point against which the results of a metabolomic study can be compared. However, untargeted metabolomics approaches aim for global detection, and targeted analytes vary greatly based on the application. Certification of this wide coverage of individual metabolites is a cumbersome and time-consuming process. The Standard Reference Material (SRM) 1950 for Metabolites in Frozen Human Plasma is by far the most used reference material by the metabolomics community. The NIST SRM 1950 provides certified or reference values for a few metabolites and lipids such as fatty acids, electrolytes, vitamins, hormones, and amino acids. The metabolomics community would benefit from consensus values and identification of metabolites and lipids in SRM 1950 because it would increase the accuracy, reliability, harmonization, and meaningful comparisons of metabolomic studies utilizing the material. Additionally, having more values available for SRM 1950 metabolites and lipids would allow researchers to use a broader range of analytes in their studies, which in turn could lead to a better understanding of the underlying biology of the metabolic processes.

The Reference and Test Materials Working Group of mQACC is interested in collecting information on qualitative identifications and quantitative values of metabolites and lipids in NIST SRM 1950 beyond those listed on the NIST Certificate of Analysis. Submitted data would be combined to produce a publicly available database of community-generated 1) consensus concentration values for quantified metabolites and lipids of critical interest and 2) compounds identified but not quantified. NMR and MS-based quantitative and semi-quantitative values are welcome. While individual values will not be identified or linked to a specific person, lab, or company, all data contributions will be credited.

To aid in data processing, we kindly request that submissions be grouped by metabolite classification and or platform.  For example, submission 1 - quantitative metabolite values by GC-MS in which the same separation column and extraction method were used, submission 2 - metabolite identifications by high-resolution LC-MS/MS, and submission 3 - relative quantitative lipid values by LC-MS/MS in which the same separation column and extraction method were used.

Phase 1 of data collection completed on 4/31/2023.

Phase 2 of data collection will continue through 12/15/2023, with submissions after the deadline continuing to be accepted for future updates.

Please send any questions to Raquel Cumeras ( or Clay Davis (


SRM 1950 Google Form

In case you don’t have a google account, please, email any of the chairs to receive the direct link.

Example Reporting Form