Consortium Outputs


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mQACC Outputs and Authorship Guidance

 mQACC encourages the collaborative development of outputs that are aligned with the mQACC mission and defined goals of any respective working or task group. Inclusive participation within a defined working or task group should be actively encouraged by the group leads (and/or output leads, if different from the group leads). Authorship should reflect this participation, and be representative of the individual and collaborative intellectual and practical contributions of group members in line with good scientific practice. Where group membership changes during the development of an output, it is up to the group or output lead to arbitrate what constitutes a substantial intellectual or practical contribution. Disputes may be raised to the mQACC coordinating committee for review. 

For all mQACC manuscripts the mQACC consortium must be listed as last author as follows: “on behalf of the Metabolomics Quality Assurance and Quality Control Consortium (mQACC)”. Thus, all mQACC members are expected to be given reasonable and defined time (defined by the group/manuscript leads) to review the manuscript and provide feedback to the responsible group prior to journal submission OR approve by default in the absence of feedback. Feedback at this stage alone will not justify named authorship except under exceptional circumstances as determined by the group/manuscript leads. Text must be included in the appropriate section of the publication (e.g., “Author Contributions”) stating that all members of mQACC approved the paper for publication.

Where mQACC members pursue QA/QC-related activities or outputs outside of a working or task group (i.e. independent of the consortium), the resulting material is not subject to the consortium approvals process and must not imply the approval of or affiliation with mQACC.

All new and current mQACC members will be made aware of these authorship guidelines via public dissemination of this policy, to be updated only when the guidance is revised.